Reactivity aba definition
Reactivity aba definition

reactivity aba definition

Self-monitoring requires that the student be an active participant in the intervention, with responsibility for measuring and evaluating his or her behaviors.

reactivity aba definition

In classroom settings, self-monitoring offers several advantages. Self-monitoring is sometimes described as having 'reactive' effects (Kazdin, 1989), because students who measure and pay close attention to selected behaviors often react to this monitoring information by changing those target behaviors in the desired direction. Self-monitoring takes advantage of a behavioral principle: the simple acts of measuring one's target behavior and comparing it to an external standard or goal can result in lasting improvements to that behavior. One student may use a paper form to rate her study skills at the end of each class period, for example, while another student might verbally rate his social behaviors when approached by his teacher at random times across the school day. Self-monitoring has two components, measurement and evaluation (Loftin, Gibb, & Skiba, 2005): That is, the student (1) measures and records his or her own behavior (measurement), and then (2) compares that recorded behavior to a pre-determined standard (evaluation). Student self-monitoring is an effective tool for behavior change.

Reactivity aba definition